COVID-19 - staff catch up - Easter Weekend

There has been a lot going on in some households over the Easter weekend - we were lucky to have some sunshine and we hope that everyone was able to enjoy some relaxation, family time and chocolate treats!

Lois has written about her epic Easter weekend - Well, we have been working hard at home over the Easter weekend, we dug out a great big hole in the garden for a patio area, Naomi, Leo helped with the dig and Joseph did a good impression of a foreman for the job! We played somewhere over the rainbow at 8 pm on Thursday - Naomi worked hard learning it on the clarinet. We had our first socially distanced dinner party via zoom with friends which was the best food delivery we have ever had! On Easter Sunday, I made hot cross buns for the very first time. I was quite impressed with myself!

Elsewhere people have been gardening, and we have had another Newfield baby scan - see below!

Have a good week - stay at home where possible, look after yourselves and stay safe.

Hi everyone, I hope you are all ok! I am missing being in work with you all! I am on the phones during the week and It has been lovely having contact with family’s, they are genuinely happy to hear from us. I look forward to seeing you all soon, stay safe!

Lois & Talbot Family
playing instruments
virtual dinner

Hi all - finally hit the half way mark - 20 weeks. Here’s my latest scan picture - the strangest I’ve seen as he or she was looking directly at the camera (taking selfies already!!) baby is fine, growing well and everything seems to be in the right place :). Looking forward to getting back to work and seeing all the staff and children. Take care

Shannon and baby
baby C

Hi everyone - well since I’m shielding I’m very glad of the sunshine and have been sitting in my conservatory, reading, planting some seeds - chillis, herbs and peppers - and watching my cat, who chose to sit in the seed box! They may not look much now, but if everything grows, I may open a market stall! Stay safe - missing you all.

Jenny R
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