Easter Week & Music Celebrations

The small number of children in school have been busy with Easter activities this week, but have also been thinking about how important it is for everyone to stay safe.

They have painted a lovely rainbow on the window of the school for autism building.

The staff have been really busy creating work packs for children to continue learning at home, gathering necessary equipment and resources - they will be aiming to get these out to families this week and next.

This week in our partial provision we have creating rainbows to show our solidarity with all those isolating, for keyworkers and of course the NHS! The children have enjoyed spending time outside in the sunshine this week and are starting to get the hang of social distancing. Team 3 (pictured below) are showing their nice clean hands and are all making sure they are 2 metres apart

We wish you a very happy Easter weekend - let’s hope that we can enjoy some time with our families and reflect on the positive things we have at this difficult time.

social distance
Peter Adamson

We are very lucky to have many links with other people and agencies, to provide special things for our children.

Peter Adamson aka ‘The Music Man’ is one of these and is a familiar face, coming into school regularly to play and sing for our children - many of our pupils like to listen to his songs and he is making himself available to do that - virtually for now of course!

He has posted some full concerts onto YouTube, and one of them was recorded recently - The Lockdown Concert - to replace the usual concerts that he performs in local care homes around Bury.

He said, ‘Sitting in my front room with no audience lacked the responses, so I decided to use a green screen and add various visuals to the songs, as well as putting on-screen lyrics to help people to singalong. We have seen some amazing technological developments in the last 20 years and this has been a great help to musicians and entertainers in getting their music out there. I hope my small contribution will bring some joy to anyone who finds it on the search engines.’

Peter is also the founder of the Together Trust Music Festival which takes place each year at the Lowry Theatre in Salford, in which our children enjoy performing.

We hope you enjoy sharing his music with your families.

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