COVID-19 - Pupil Catch Up

- In Category: Parents

COVID-19 - Pupil Catch Up

Well, the majority of our pupils are at home, and we are missing being together asa a school, but luckily some of our families have had a minute to send in some photos of what they have been getting up to!

It’s so nice to see them looking happy, learning and sharing with siblings - going for walk, playing games, eating meals… and bashing a piñata in a birthday party!

We love to see the children and find out how they are spending these long days on lockdown - if you’d like to share your activities or celebrations on the blog, please send them into the school website for us to include them here.

thanks to the parents for sharing these special times…

We just want to say a huge huge thank you to all the staff who sent Happy Birthday Videos! Please pass on our THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!!! R LOVED them so much and he was so happy to see/hear everyone it made Al and I tearful. They made his day so special! We are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our children’s lives. He’s had a fab racing car day, played lots of party games (Hokey Cokey, Throw the parcel, Simon says, Piñata, Team games, Ring Toss using M and R, which he thought was hilarious, musical statues, etc). He’s a very tired and happy boy now ….listening to his videos again. We look forward to seeing you all back at school hopefully soon!

Crowther Family

Hi to all staff at Newfield. Thank you for the call last week & today, Really appreciate you checking on us. J has really surprised me & her Dad by keeping calm & understanding this situation in her own way I’m so proud of her. She’s been enjoying her daily walk some photos attached of our walk yesteday round the block twice in her Pjs! Hope everyone is keeping well including staff & pupils & a massive thank you to the staff that have offered to continue to work with the children at school supporting the parents going to work in this difficult time, we continue to clap on Thursdays at 8pm to support you all !

Tetlow Family

A and E are at similar levels and both have additional needs so they are learning, doing intensive interaction, playing and eating together.

Mcmillan Family
sharing tea
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