COVID-19 - staff catch up - week two part two

Well today we have a very strange ‘end of term’ with us now continuing to run through what should be the Easter holidays!

The small number of key worker children will be in school next week, with some staff, while everyone else stays at home to stay safe.

We said goodbye ‘virtually’ to some staff who are leaving Newfield today - always sad to see people go, but we are grateful for the time they have been with us and wish them good luck in their new, exciting roles elsewhere - goodbye to Rachel and Sopna.

So, another rainbow of hope and here are a few more messages and updates from staff.

Hi. Hope everyone is doing ok. We’ve had a lovely few days but being a stay in the house mum with a 2 year old is definitely hard work. Alfie has made rice Krispie cakes, painted, played in the yard, helped with all different household jobs and eaten everything he can get his hands on (apart from actual meals I’ve cooked). Stay safe everyone.

Emily B

Hello to the whole Newfield family. I wanted to say ‘hi’ and say I know you will all be doing an amazing job with the pupils that are in school. I’m thinking of you all and I’m just sorry that I’m currently not there to do my bit to help. Sorry I didn’t get in to school to introduce my son to you all - so here is a photo of Finn, who will be 3 months old on Sunday!!! Be strong, keep safe, will see you all soon.


Hi everyone, Hope everyone is well. I don’t know for sure if I will be able to see any of u guys today was my official date where I would have finished work. So proud to be have been part of the Newfield family. I will take a lot from this experience - Will miss you guys and want to thank everyone from the bottom of heart for the support & work you are providing. Keep up the good work you are truly brave hearts

Sopna B
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