COVID-19 - staff catch up - week two

Well, another busy week with everyone getting used to staying in to protect themselves and others, try to make sure to keep well and develop some new routines to keep everyone safe, occupied and happy! Read on to see what our staff have been up to and enjoy…

My daughter in law sent me a picture of a penguin in her mum’s kitchen! This can be done by googling an animal, clicking on 3D and then you can have all sorts of creatures in your house - I think some of our children will enjoy this feature. I had a walk by the River Calder yesterday and took some time to watch the ducks doing their thing in the water. Hope you’re all ok

Alison B
home office

I’ve set up my office on the dining table for the weeks I’m not in the partial provision. It’s amazing how technology can help us get things done remotely and we’ve been having virtual meetings, telephone conferences and business as usual as much as possible! Still time for the odd cup of coffee! On the plus side my dog is very happy to have people in the house more, although she has photo bombed the odd meeting!

Vicki C
birthday boy
birthday tea

Hope everyone is well. This week The Heywoods have been celebrating Joseph’s 3rd Birthday. In the absence of our planned guests we had a party with our teddy friends as special guests. We had a tiger who came to tea cake and all our neighbours sang happy birthday from their doorsteps. Lovely community spirit! Hope everyone is well, hope the pictures of Joseph’s infectious smile brightens everyone’s day.

Baxter walk
Baxter at home

Baxter the PAT dog is enjoying some down time with his mum! Here he is enjoying a paddle on his daily walk. He’s also on neighbour hood watch!! He sits on the back of the sofa and woofs if anyone comes out of their house xx

Julie J
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Full copies of Policies and Procedures related to all aspects of Safeguarding, and the Complaints Policy, are available on request from Rachel Kay, Head Teacher and Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

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