COVID-19 - staff catch up - week one part three

Even more things that staff have been doing during this sunny week that felt like summer - complete with barbecues!

Great to hear what people have been up to and see the photos. Sounds like Team 1 have done a fab job this week well done to you! I’ve been playing cricket in the sunshine (or trying the bowler was very fast), enjoying a bbq and watching some Disney+ with my family. Getting to spend some special time together is a treat. Take care everyone. Big smiles

forest walk

Well I was in school last week with the fantastic Team 1 but still managed some time in the lovely sun walking in my favourite forest with my children and then spending quality time with our new little puppy Bear. Enjoy your weekend all.

Laura H
play house

Hope everyone is doing well and all trying to stay as positive and happy as can be!! We’ve been enjoying the outdoor this week .. we made a den in the garden, painted our rainbow and played in the water!! If you are feeling a little stressed the giggle will hopefully make you smile xx

Danielle and Brooke
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