COVID-19 - staff catch up - week one part two

Following on from the previous blog post, here are more of this weeks antics from our staff team - some children decorating DIY SOS bedrooms, as well as rainbows on windows, getting ready for birthdays, playing games in the sunshine and gardening!

Hi everyone! Hope you are all well. So, yesterday afternoon, my partner Sam and I channelled our inner Alan Titchmarsh and Charlie Dimmock, to do some gardening for ours and our two neighbours, one being a 94 year old man, and the other being a young mum who has been self isolating for the last week, due to an onset of symptoms. The 94 year old sat in his hallway, watching our every move, shouting out instruction to us, whilst sipping an ice cold beer!! I think we did a good job! Have a lovely, healthy weekend everyone, and the best of luck to team 2 next week! You will be amazing as always. Lots of love

making hats
party hats

Hi Everyone, Well done Team 1 this week. Poppy’s climbing party for her birthday is cancelled but it won’t stop us celebrating her 8th birthday tomorrow. We’ve been making party hats! I’ll see all Team 2 on Monday!


Hello everyone - Happy birthday Poppy! Loving seeing all these pictures, you know me always in the gym so going slightly crazy, good job I have four children lol. Jenson is 14 today, no party but school is cancelled so what more can a 14 year old want lol! Stay safe.

table tennis

Lovely seeing all these pictures - really hope everyone is doing well and looking after their loved ones - and to those who have been or will be working in school this week - you are all amazing!! Well done! I have always been proud to work at Newfield but all this has just confirmed how much of a fabulous team we are and one big family. Looking forward to seeing everyone very soon. My excitement for the day has been having a good old fashioned game of scrabble in the sunshine. Love to you all - Shannon (and bump) xxx

kids rainbow

It’s my 16th wedding anniversary today and my neighbour has left me some daffodil flowers (her husband is a driver for Waitrose). What a lovely gesture which made me smile. We need to remember that’s it’s the small things that mean so much at the moment. Be there for each other (but 2m apart).

Jen H
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