COVID-19 - staff catch up - week one

This is the first blog where we are going to share messages and photos of what some of our staff have been doing during the UK lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

We are all following the government message to ‘stay at home’ so many staff are working at home, but everyone is finding they have lots of time to do some of those things we never usually get round to doing!

So we have a weird and wonderful collection of photos - countryside views from quick walks for exercise, activities with children and some children being put to work - sticking on stamps to send out Tesco vouchers as free school meals - can you spot the family pet in the background?!

Everyone is staying positive and supporting each other - The Newfield Family showing strength in these difficult times - We are sharing here some of the lovely messages of support that staff are giving to everyone.

Hey everyone, hope you’re all well and staying safe. Me and my family have been playing lots of games and this is the most we’ve ever been bonded! So proud of you all that have and are going into work, I’ll be thinking of you everyday and I can’t wait to come back in and help you all. You are loved and we’ll get through this together and I’m so proud to be a part of the Newfield Family. Love you all, stay safe xxxx


Hope you are keeping well… I’ve found being at home incredibly hard and lonely, so reading emails of encouragement from staff has been really uplifting. Me and the kids have been busy filling the house with rainbows of hope. Since then the whole street has a rainbow in their window.

Emma D

Hi everyone, It’s really lovely to hear from people, apart from seeing neighbours over the fences, my husband and I are ‘shielding’ because of his health issues and it’s a bit lonely and strange! Big thank you and well done to team 1, if I can help remotely in any way (to any team) I will, please let me know. Thank you to the staff for offers of help to people too, there are so many heroes in our lives and I am feeling very blessed to be part of the Newfield family. Finding the positives in the negatives. Take care and stay safe everyone,

Vicky E
nhs clap

We have been keeping busy looking after Gizmo the rabbit, our new addition to the family. We got Gizmo as an early birthday present for Joseph (it’s his birthday next week) and I’m so glad we did now, it’s been a lovely distraction watching him hopping around - plus animal care has become part of our home nursery experience! The other picture is our dark 8pm thank you to the NHS - our NHS clap.


Thanks Alison - those pictures are beautiful! For those of us who are stuck at home at least we can be thankful for the beautiful weather we are having. For those going into school you are doing a wonderful job! I wish I could be there with you all doing my bit. Love to you all.


Hi everyone, I’m gutted I can’t be helping out at school, those who are there, you’re doing amazing. I’ve been drawing my dalmatian stencils for my baby’s nursery out in the sunshine. Stay safe everyone.

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