World Book Day 2020

- In Category: School Activities

World Book Day 2020

Today we celebrated World Book Day.

It has been fantastic to see the brilliant, creative and sometimes hilarious costumes in the classes and corridors - the children and staff really do go the extra mile.

We had lots of characters around school with some classes dressing up within a theme around a favourite book or story.

The children have enjoyed every minute and it has been great to see our whole Newfield family involved with our governors, catering team, SLT, teachers, children and parents all joining in.

There were reading and story activities going on throughput the day all over the school.

Our governors, deputy heads and former staff acted as guest readers and shared stories with groups of children.

We held a parent carer workshop in sensory story telling in our studio which went really well and gave parents lots of ideas. They were pleased to see the types of things we offer and do and they all mentioned how happy their children were at Newfield!

Our fantastic kitchen staff served a special WBD lunch of Beauty & the Beast burger, Mr. Stink Jacket wedges with Jack & the Beanstalk baked beans, Queen of Hearts jam tarts and James & the Giant Peach squash - delicious!

Special thanks go to our English coordinators Hayley and Shannon ~ these events really take a lot of thought, planning and time and all of that effort has really paid off.

Thank you to everyone taking part – it really is what makes Newfield special!

Willie wonker
Eyfs dress up

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