Fairtrade Fortnight 2020

- In Category: School Activities

Fairtrade Fortnight 2020

This week we have been celebrating the first part of Fairtrade Fortnight. We have been thinking about the people around the world who grow food for us and how it is important that they get paid a fair price for it. Both school building have some decorations up promoting the special week - including the famous inflatable bananas - blown up expertly by our Bill! and Nick

Children enjoyed a Fairtrade tea loaf pudding on Wednesday and headteacher Rik samples it and thoroughly approved!

Pupils have shopped for items and have then held tuck shops selling Fairtrade goodies - lots of ordinary chocolate bars are now fairtrade, so please look out for the logo when you go shopping and make an effort to support workers in other countries.

Today our older pupils from the school for Autism have run a cafe for children and staff selling delicious snacks and promoting our fairtrade produce. The younger children are really enjoying the food as you can see in the photos!

The older pupils enjoy developing life skills - cooking and serving the drinks and food. They will be doing this again next week.

Friday cafe
Fairtrade chocolate
Fairtrade logo
Fairtrade tea loaf
fairtrade bananas
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