Love has been in the air at Newfield this last week of the half term.
On Wednesday pupils enjoyed Valentine activities we did for their Graduation MOVE session with our lovely HLTA Aimie!
They took part in romantic walking in the sensory garden, a roses flower trail around school, shaving foam heart play, Valentine scents, love messages on the easel and hand massage.
On Thursday our older pupils held a Valentine’s mini enterprise market in the afternoon.
They set up stalls in the atrium and sold items they have been making including cards, artwork, chocolates & sweets as well as novelty heart items to give a loved one!

Today pupils from A12 sold love heart biscuits at breaktime.
Children enjoyed a special romantic lunch from our kitchen staff. The menu was creamy chicken & sweetcorn pasta bake served with heart shaped garlic bread followed by heart shaped jam or chocolate dipped biscuits - what a treat!
Finally we ended the half term ready for a holiday with a disco where everyone enjoyed dancing to favourite tunes including a few love songs.
Happy Valentine’s day to everyone and see you back in school after the holiday.