Sensory Trip to Lapland!

- In Category: School Activities

Sensory Trip to Lapland!

This week, our annual Christmas sensory event is taking place and our 4D multi-sensory studio is transformed to a winter wonderland where we can be transported to Lapland.

Our fantastic HLTA Aimie has made a magical theme - starting the journey with clouds and stars on a parachute as we fly through the air. Once there, we can build an igloo with the blocks in the pod and use the switch to activate the pod lights. We can crawl and roll through the crinkly silver blanket and bubble wrap on the mats.

We experience the cold by using the switch to turn the cold air on the fan and feel the ice - so we then need to wrap up in furs to keep warm while we taste the ice pops. We can hunt in the snow trays to find the winter wildlife and explore the Christmassy smells.

We can build snowmen with the white play dough and use the cutters to create Christmas shapes.

To finish, we can have a snow ball fight with the silver confetti balloons, before we travel back to Newfield for the rest of our day!

cold wind
polar bears
feeling snow
resting in igloo
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