Takeover Week 2019 - Day 1

Today we have our now annual Takeover Week, where our pupils takeover adult roles in school. They have chosen the job they would like to try out and will have the opportunity to work with staff and experience carrying out activities and making decisions.

Everyone is really excited as the pupils always amaze us with their hard work, determination and positive attitudes that they bring to their individual takeovers.

Deputy Ammara

Ammara took on the role of deputy head to takeover Helen. She supported younger children in class and took on the class teacher role, answering the phone and organising staff. She then enjoyed a cup of tea with Helen after their busy morning in class.

phone in class
cup of tea

Admin Takeover

Sumaiya took over for Jen in the main office.

Jen says - Sumaiya helped me by putting some stamps on my cheques ready to go in the post Then we went around school putting posters up for the Christmas Fayre and the Christmas Raffle. We put so many poster up we ran out of blue tack by the time we got to the school for autism and had to borrow some blue tack from Mathilde!


Carpark Duty

Mackenzie asked if she could do takeover on the car park. Mackenzie faced the cold weather and went to help with the arrivals of our students. Mackenzie helped some of our students get off the transport and into school. Mackenzie was fantastic at greeting the staff and the students, never complaining of the cold!

with a driver
on the carpark
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