We're Going on a Polar Bear Hunt!

Pupils in class S2 in secondary have had a very exciting week, on their polar bear hunt! They have been enjoying a sensory polar bear hunt story with musical instruments for each setting.

They have had a sensory tray exploration for different settings – e.g.: water beads for hail stones, pom poms for snow balls, ice blocks for ice bergs, fake snow for slush and pebbles in water for our rock pool.

They created sensory environments in the classroom - A snowstorm using a wind machine and lots of bubbly foam and also enjoyed flinging plastic balls into the air using material for a hail stone shower!

Their classroom activities have included:

  • Making our own textured polar bears and describing them with symbols – white, fluffy, scary etc
  • Sugar, flour and glitter mark making trays
  • Mint scented playdoh snowballs
  • Polar bear hunting for teddies and symbols around school
  • Arctic animal sensory materials tuff tray
  • Choose it maker activities finding polar bears and identifying the settings from the story

They are very lucky to have their very creative teacher Shannon to create all these learning opportunities and adventures and we have seen some brilliant engagement and reactions - they have had a fab week!

polar bear house
salt pictures
polar bear
images bear
drawing in salt
mat work
happy polar bear
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