LPPA Re-Assessment 2019

- In Category: Parents

LPPA Re-Assessment 2019

Today we were visited by Maureen Nash, the assessor from the Leading Parent Partnership Award - LPPA, who came to put us through our reassessment.

Maureen has visited school several times, but has obviously never met our new head teacher Rik, or seen the school for Autism building, so there were lots of new things for her today!

Maureen met with senior leaders, pupils, staff, governors and of course parents, as well as having a tour of school and time to look through the website and evidence portfolio.

Maureen was very impressed and complimentary about all aspects of school, but particularly the work that we do in collaboration with our fantastic parents and carers to improve the lives and learning of our children.

I am delighted to tell you that we passed with flying colours so will continue to hold the award for another 3 years. You can read the report in full on our Awards page.

A big thank you to Maureen for visiting us again and to everyone involved in making the Newfield Family so supportive and successful!

LPPA parents
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