World Mental Health Day 2019

Today we celebrated World Mental Health Day with lots of events to help pupils and staff think about how our mental health is just as important as our physical health.

Some staff enjoyed an early start with our half termly wellbeing breakfast in our staff lounge - tea, toast, crumpets and a chance to have a chat with colleagues and catch up before another busy day!

Pupils took part in personalised activities in classes in the morning, based on their likes and hobbies. In the photos you can see children enjoying a foot spa and a studio based relaxation experience!

chat staff
staff brekkie
staff breakfast
foot spa

In the afternoon pupils were able to choose from kareoke, film club with popcorn, wheelchair dancing with our friends from Stonyhurst or relaxation in the studios - we all had a fantastic time!

After school, some staff stayed behing to unwind with their own kareoke - lots of Carpenters and Wham - and everyone felt much better after their busy day, having taken some ‘me’ time.

Happy World Mental Health Day!

film club
dance kareoke
staff kareoke
asd studio
foot spa 2
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