Prom 2019 - Welcome to the Circus

Tonight we held our annual prom and the theme this year following the success of our 14-19 production of ‘The Greatest Showman’ was ‘The Wonderful Circus’. All of our leavers and their families, along with our older pupils and many members of staff came along to celebrate another great year for the Newfield family. There were circus themed outfits and lots of sequins!

The halls were transformed into a big top - thanks to Lois’s mum for ironing the metres of material needed to create the swagged tent ceiling!

Our amazing kitchen staff prepared and served a high end circus feast, with gourmet hot dogs, burgers, ice creams and candy floss.

We were thrilled to be entertained by a dance troupe, Dance Talent, who performed amazing acrobatics and beautiful dances in their colourful costumes.

We watched the leavers video made by Mo involving all of our leavers and many staff - it was emotional, funny and a real spectacular production - please don’t leave us for Hollywood Mo!

We then presented our leavers with their class of 2019 hoodies and had more entertainment - believe it or not - from a juggling uni-cyclist!

After all of this we had enough time to have a disco, where everyone was up on their feet or wheels and having a ball.

This has got to have been the most amazing prom ever - thanks to everyone involved - all of our fantastic staff who have given up their time to come and have a party with our leavers, and especially to Lois our Assistant Head who created, planned and made the whole thing possible - Newfield was sparkling tonight and the whole family glittered!

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