International School Meals Day 2019

Today we have celebrated ‘International School Meals Day’ looking at how fortunate we are to have good food in school every day. Lots of pupils have enjoyed activities in the hall around the theme ‘Who makes my meal?’ and thinking about where our food comes from.

We have been planting and digging vegetables in soil and washing it clean, and explored a range of different vegetables that grow in the ground - talking about the different colours and how they feel.

We also enjoyed exploring a Farm tuff tray made with cereals and oats - lots of us liked the matching activities about which animals produce which foods.

farm tuff tray

We had a fruit and veg printing table where we printed using the range of vegetables and fruit with paints. We also had a look, touch and smell table with lots of food products that come from around the world. We were able to look at the map to see which country rice, potatoes, corn, coffee, tea, sugar and bananas were grown in or came from.

printing fruit
printing veg

Finally – the RRSA group were focusing on ARTICLE 24 – ‘All children have the right to clean water and healthy food’. Some pupils helped to serve tasters of fruit salad and porridge which links to our charity fundraising for the charity Mary’s Meals. Other older pupils helped to run the various activities in the hall and showed us their great leadership skills!

We sold raffle tickets and raised £106.40 which will help to feed at least 7 children in a poorer country for a whole year.

Pupils voted earlier in the week and enjoyed their lunch choice of burger, chips and spaghetti hoops.

We have all had a really great day and thought about how lucky we all are to have meals cooked by our kitchen team and nice food at home every day.

tasting porridge
serving food
matching foods
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