Autism Friendly Holidays

After talking about airports last week, this week’s blog looks at holidays and the importance of planning in advance.

It is very important to plan when going on holiday, not just for the journey but the destination itself. The National Autistic Society has put together a comprehensive list of important factors to consider and how to best prepare when going on holiday, check out the link for more details. The article describes factors such as preparing for change using social storied, visuals and much more. They suggest choosing quieter hotels to help with sensory processing difficulties and stress the importance of considering any special requirements that the young person or adult may need.

There are companies who offer supported holidays for people with differing disabilities such as ‘Go Provence’ in France, other more local holidays may be ideal with destinations such as Centre Parks who cater for disabled guests. A range of caravan holidays and outdoor centres also promote themselves as being autism friendly.

It seems that there are a wide range of options when looking at holidays, but the most important aspect is to plan and prepare, wherever you choose to go!

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