Olympias Music Foundation Visitors

Today Olympias Music Foundation a Manchester based charity visited Newfield to carry out two music workshops with KS4 and Post 16.

Emma, singer and director, Poppy saxophonist and Cameron on the piano worked fantastically with our students and had everyone engaged.

They worked on moving their bodies to replicate their names.

This was moved onto moving their bodies to music. Students moved their bodies in some way and either the piano or saxophone played music to represent their movements. The students found this great fun!

Students were then encouraged to draw patterns on a flipchart and the piano or saxophone played music to represent what they were drawing. Students found this interesting and we had a lot of volunteers!

Sometimes two instruments were used with two students drawing patterns to compose their own music.

You can read their description of their visit to Newfield here.

writing music
music performance

The first session was finished off with singing and playing percussion instruments.

Three songs in total were learnt and students learnt that there are lots of songs that use the same chords in music to play.

The second session started with the students exploring some of the instruments and being introduced to the musicians.

Daiyaan enjoyed the guitar!

Haarib enjoyed moving his body to the piano playing.

Daiyaan enjoyed moving his body to the saxophone!

Fatima enjoyed writing music down as graphic score to the piano

The morning was enjoyed by all students and thank you again to Olympia Music foundation for taking the time to travel to Blackburn to work with our students.

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