Farewell to Old Friends!

- In Category: Staff & CPD

Farewell to Old Friends!

Today, at the end of our first Spring half term, we have had a fabulous Valentine’s disco, where we have said goodbye and good luck to a couple of our staff members - Debbie & Louise. Louise has been with us as HR Manager for 6 years and is leaving us to go to work for Lancashire County Council. She received lots of cards, flowers gifts and a beautiful jug covered in the children’s finger prints - she has been a big help to school and we will really miss her.

We also said goodbye to Debbie Riley - who has worked at Newfield, and before that Blackamoor and Dame Evelyn Fox schools for 34 years! Debbie has worked all over school and has also worked on Outreach taking many of our children out on links to other schools, supporting older children on work experience and organising and leading countless trips and visits. She has been such a big character we will miss having her around very much. Debbie also received many gifts, cards, flowers and a bowl covered in the children’s finger prints.

Thank you to these two special ladies for all of their hard work, dedication and love - the Newfield family hopes that they come and visit us and wishes them the best of luck!

We are all worn out after another busy half term and after the lively ending of the Valentine’s disco, we are ready for a weeks rest - have a good break and we will be back soon!

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