Wellbeing Day 2018 part 2

Well what a good day we’ve had – was really nice to see everyone trying out something different while thinking about our mental health and wellbeing. The staff breakfast was a great success and this afternoon we’ve had singing, yoga and a walk in the late sunshine to help our staff wellbeing - the feedback has been positive, so we may make wellbeing activities and events for staff a more regular thing.

Children have been taking part in activities in classes that they really enjoy doing, things that promote their wellbeing and happiness - some have been for walks, done artwork, made toast at snack time, enjoyed messy play trays, decorated biscuits and cakes - all kinds of things!

We’ve started a display in school based around what we do for our wellbeing and it has already got some great things on it - have a look next time you are in school!

We’ve also drawn the staff wellbeing prizes, so some lucky people will get a treat tomorrow! Thanks so much to those who joined in – everyone has had a good day - the sun came out and it felt like summer, and we’ve had lots of smiling faces.

happy child
making toast
staff choir
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