Today, we held our annual Christmas Fair - and what a magical day! The turnout was amazing - so many parents, families, friends, former pupils and their families, former staff, governors, friends from local nurseries and schools, Shelagh and Peter from Dan’s Trust, The Worshipful the Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and Lady Mayoress… and our old friends from Corus Brass, oh and last but not least, Father Christmas himself! We have decorated school already, with our big tree arriving in the Atrium, so the atmosphere was really special, with games, stalls selling lovely items made by the children, lots of cakes, a busy cafe, cheese pie - which has inexplicably now become a Newfield Christmas ‘thing’! - a brilliant raffle (tickets are still on sale)… the list goes on. We even had the RRSA group running a tombola to raise awareness and funds in aid of the crisis in Syria, so we were pleased to raise over £70 for UNICEF to support the children there this winter. The band played, really spreading the cheer throughout school and we had a wonderful time, raising over £1200 for school fund!
Thanks to everyone who contributed, it was a brilliant start to what we hope is the best Christmas ever for everyone!