Prom 2017

- In Category: School Activities

Prom 2017

Tonight we held our Enchantment Under the Sea Prom and it was absolutely fantastic. The halls were transformed into a Sea Paradise with ship wreck, jellyfish and a whole host of sea creatures. Everyone looked fabulous in their fancy outfits and the catering team had really gone overboard (!) with a delicious Neptune’s buffet served in sea shells and buckets. There was even a sand castle tiered cake and muffins with crustaceans on top. After watching the ‘Class of 2017’ film, the leavers were presented with their hoodies and then everyone danced the night away. It was once again a really special occasion and a real highlight of the year for our leavers. Thanks to everyone who came, the parents family members and friends who stayed and our brilliant staff who supported the planning, preparation and on the night!

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