Today our post 16 pupils have been getting involved with Science week by looking at how Science is used in the workplace. Students and Tutors from Blackburn College, along with Laura who is one of our teachers from the ARC that is trained hairdresser came to show some pupils how they use science in their Beauty therapy jobs. Pupils looked at washing hair and using foot spas and the changes from wet to dry. They did some hand massage activities and used nail varnish to paint their nails as you can see in the photo, again seeing the varnish change from liquid to solid. Our Kitchen team also ran a session for pupils to teach them about how materials change when cooking and pupils made some lovely treats for them to try. Finally, TA Cherie ran a session to look at how artists use Science to change materials. Pupils melted wax crayons and used water colour paints to mix colours and experience changes from wet to dry. Thanks to everyone who helped our older students today.