This morning we held our annual Nativity performance with the Primary age children. We were delighted to have a packed house with parents and families all coming to enjoy the performance as well as some of our governors. The children and staff have been rehearsing - learning songs and dances as well as making costumes and props - and they did another really good job of showcasing the talents of our wonderful children. There were all the usual very cute angels, kings, donkeys, sheep, stars as well as Mary and Joseph - and they all managed to more or less do what they were supposed to (which is of course the wonder of the Nativity)! All the parents really enjoyed the performance and were impressed with what the children achieved - and there were a few teary-eyed proud mums and dads too. Thanks to all the visitors who came to watch us, and well done to all along with a big thank you to all the staff, particularly Danielle and Shannon who co-directed the whole show.