Today we held our annual Celebration of Achievement assembly where children’s progress, courage and special achievements are celebrated with guests, families, governors and all of the children and staff. It was a wonderful time to come together as a big family and reflect on the successes of this year - Outstanding Ofsted, Lancashire Evening Telegraph special School of the Year, Flagship Outreach re-accreditation for the fourth time…the list goes on. Our leavers received their Records of Achievement, including their ASDAN certificates. The assembly was attended by special guests Mrs Cate Tindall, MBE and The Worshipful the Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, Councillor Hussain Akhtar. Everyone had a wonderful morning, enjoying coming together, the songs from the choir and afterwards the delicious refreshments. The Mayor enjoyed a tour of the school, meeting many children, and afterwards said that whilst he has been to Buckingham Palace and it was lovely, Newfield is lovely too but here he also feels it in his heart. Thank you to everyone involved in the assembly and in helping us this year.