Positive Feedback from Bendrigg

Following the group’s return last Friday, we have received this lovely feedback from Rex Pickles, the Bendrigg tutor working with our group - thanks very much Rex!

Hi Newfield,

Here’s hoping that by the time you’re reading this, you’ve had a chance to rest and recuperate. I’m writing to thank you and all your wonderful team, for all your hard work. It’s definitely one of the highlights of my job when I get the chance to work alongside such a motivated, dedicated, caring and fun team of people.

I, like you all, am feeling tired after our week together; but it’s the best type of tired, as I feel we’ve shared a really special week of experiences together. The students have achieved great things, and have done themselves and the school proud. They are a lovely group of characters, all of whom have added something special to the week.

Thank you, personally to the staff team and to Michael for being such a great group leader. I know that there are a huge amount of situations / issues that you’ve to deal with within the week, but none of them ever effected the overall good feeling / atmosphere. At all times, the students were provided with the best possible support and encouragement, and it was this that enabled them to achieve so much.

Please pass on my fond regards to the whole team.

Till next time, take good care. Keep up the good work,

Cheers, Rex…

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