Prom 2015

- In Category: School Activities

Prom 2015

This evening sees our ‘Enchanted Forest’ themed Prom 2015! The hall has been transformed into a magical kingdom, fireflies, music and toadstools abound! Everyone looks wonderful, dressed to impress and ready to party. The red carpet welcomed everyone for photos, and the music and dancing started straight away. The amazing buffet prepared and presented so beautifully by our kitchen staff was such a treat and was enjoyed by all - especially the pudding extravaganza - they almost looked too good to eat! As always, gifts were exchanged and speeches took place - with the usual tears shed for our leavers goodbye film. thanks to everyone for making this such a special occasion for our oldest students - and our staff and parents! We really look forward to prom and we must give a special thank you to Rachael and all her helpers who have yet again done such a fantastic job! What a great Prom!

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