Due to overnight snow and the grounds now being covered in snow and ice once more, we were again unable to open this morning. It has felt like a losing battle! However, we have been hard at work all morning with a snow plough and gritter and have been able to once again clear the site to make it safe. We’ve all got our fingers crossed that the weather will stay kind and that the site will remain snow free, ready to get back to school and back to normal on Monday. Whilst the snow may have given us some extra time at home, where lots of staff are working away emailing, planning activities and generally catching up on school paperwork, we are spareing a thought for our children who love school so much and their families who have had no choice in this and have been hugely disrupted. So, once again, our sincere apologies, but the priority is, and will remain to keep everyone safe. Have a good weekend, keep warm and don’t forget to check the snow page for further updates and to have a look at the photographs of the school site.