Following the Newfield success of last year’s Children’s Commissioner’s Takeover Day, we are joining children across the country by shadowing adults in school and assisting them in their roles. We also have pupils Waseem and Megan taking over the budget of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, under the guidance of the Leader of the Council and four Executive Members. They will join with others from school across BwD to set a budget which will meet the needs of all the residents of the borough and address the priorities as viewed by young people, they will decide priorities in the morning and then meet in the council chamber in the afternoon to debate and decide on a council budget according to a young person’s perspective. The Leader of the Council and the Executive Members will use the information from this to help formulate and shape the councils budget for 2015/16 - how exciting! Back in school, pupils are taking over to be the head, a teaching assistant, site supervisor, catering staff, car park coordinator and swim teacher. They are all very excited about being involved in decision making and being in charge for the day!