Assembly of Remembrance

- In Category: School Activities

Assembly of Remembrance

At 11 am on the 11th of November pupils and staff at Newfield took part in a special assembly for Remembrance Day. Lois started it off by playing ‘The Last Post’ and then we had a minute of silence to remember all those who lost their lives in the wars throughout the years. We then had a question and answer session where pupils learnt about the meaning of Remembrance Day and what we do as a country to remember the soldiers… Many of the pupils already had great understanding and came up with some excellent answers. Two pupils, Darren and Jordan then came to the front to read the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’, they did a superb job! We finished the assembly with a performance from the secondary choir who sung ‘True Colours’, again, all the pupils did a great job singing and signing. All the classes filtered out of the hall and back to their classes, admiring all the beautiful poppy art work on their way. We hope you also enjoyed our falling poppies on the website home page which celebrated Remembrance Day. In the photo you can see some of our older students during the special assembly.

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