On Friday morning, we held our harvest assembly to give thanks for all the good things we have in our lives. Pupils and staff had brought in lots of tins and packets of food to donate to our chosen charity – Nightsafe. Jan Larkin, the chief executive of Nightsafe was able to be with us and told us a bit about their work with homeless young people in Blackburn. Jan really enjoyed the assembly and asked me to thank you all for the kind food donations. We were also joined by Kat Witham from Blackburn cathedral, who talked to us about the importance of being thankful and of sharing all the good things we have. During the assembly, we also enjoyed a harvest song from the primary choir and a lovely performance of ‘Mr Scarecrow’ by class 1. Finally, we all joined in singing and signing ‘It’s a wonderful world’. It was great to welcome some of our parents to the assembly – we had a lovely time together.