Preparing for Eid Weekend

Today, in preparation for Eid, pupils took part in the Hajj Experience where they actively performed 3 rituals of the annual Muslim pilgrimage. We had a really big Kaaba in our hall which we circled seven times and we even counted each trip using the Velcro counter so that there was no cheating! The second ritual was drinking the Zamzam water and listening to the story of how it began. Did you know that Zam Zam means stop stop? Our final ritual was to throw scrunched balls at the ‘Jamarat’ to remember the time the Prophet Ibrahim threw stones at the devil for trying to stop him from following God’s commands. It was fun throwing our balls at the same time towards the same place (well, almost as Mohammed was hit a few times!). Everyone had a lovely time joining in to learn about what happens during Hajj and they even had the chance to wear traditional hats and scarves. We had another delicious special lunch made by Helen and the ladies in the kitchen - thanks to them, and thanks to Mohammed for organising our special day. We would like to wish a happy ‘Eid Mubarak’ to everyone celebrating Eid Al’Adha after the annual Hajj tomorrow.

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