Celebrating RRSA Level 2 Accreditation

We are delighted to announce that Newfield has achieved the highest accolade from UNICEF - level 2 of the Rights Respecting School Award! The RRSA is a whole school award governed by UNICEF that celebrates the rights of children and recognises a schools achievement in putting these rights at the heart of their planning, policies, practice and ethos. Children’s rights are central to all aspects of UNICEF’s work, including education, and they use the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) as a framework for the RRSA activities. Newfield believe that this award is particularly relevant to them because it celebrates what is central to their work in ensuring that all children have their rights protected in an inclusive and respectful school culture and that this is celebrated. This means that our students are given even more meaningful opportunities to voice opinions, to participate fully in all aspects of their schooling, to be a valued and genuine participant in decision making that affects them, and to contribute to resolving obstacles to teaching, learning and well-being (including bullying and discrimination). Students have acted as ambassadors for UNICEF, spreading the word on children’s rights throughout the borough of BwD and beyond with link schools in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Newfield has been on the RRSA journey since October 2011 and is delighted to have achieved the highest standard following our second assessor visit on 17th June 2014 from Pat Peaker and Martin Russell from UNICEF. Newfield is the only Rights Respecting School in BwD and is very proud to have to have achieved the level 2 award (we are one of only 10 schools in the northwest of England to have this). We love having our children and staff acting as ambassadors for UNICEF - well done to everyone - we will celebrate soon!

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