Today Newfield hosted a ‘Planning for the future’ event, aimed at all BwD young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities from year 9 upwards, along with their families, to find out what is available for life after school. There were lots of familiar faces there from education, health and social care sectors, as well as Leisure, Connexions, Colleges, Respite providers and many other agencies. Dr Cathy Hamer from the Council for Disabled Children was also on hand to offer families advice and guidance on the SEND reforms being implemented across the country from September. The event was really well attended and provided not only a one-stop shop for young people and families to gather information, but also a good opportunity for professionals to network with colleagues and discuss the challenges and changes we all face to improve outcomes for young people and their families.
BwD and Newfield are committed to placing families at the heart of these improvements and this event was an opportunity to get together and begin the journey.