This week we are celebrating Religious Education in school and today was the start of the week of special events at Newfield to find out more about Christianity, Buddhism and Sikhism. Today was Christianity day, with a particular focus on Pentecost and the work of the Holy Spirit. We began the day with an assembly led by Rachel Boyes from the Salvation Army. She introduced the topic of Pentecost with a sensory story and a song. Pupils then went to do various activities related to the theme. There were 3 activities set up in the pods in the hall. The first was a sensory story involving wind and flames of fire. In the second pod, pupils tried various fruit to help them learn about the fruit of the Spirit. The third pod was all about the different ways in which we can show love to each other. Meanwhile, in the studio, pupils were able to experience a session about peace and joy. In classes, pupils worked on producing art work for the exhibition on Friday. It was a great day - looking forward to what we can learn about Buddhism tomorrow!