Trafford Centre Visit

- In Category: School Trips

Trafford Centre Visit

TG7 went to the Trafford Centre today and had a great time going around the shops. Some of the pupils went to clothes and shoes shops, whereas the others went to the jewellers, games shops and an electrical store. It was really fabulous for the pupils to apply their skills in exploring the products in the real world and use suitable describing words. It was nice to know that the water in the fountain makes your hands ‘wet’, but a little more challenging to explain the coins in the fountain are not ‘treasure’. Ahmad had a great time using lifts with pressing the buttons himself to activate the process of moving and he keenly practised his ICT skills to navigate around a Microsoft Surface laptop. Rafal tested a luxury Maserati car worth over £68,000 which he really liked and will be going home tonight to tell his parents to order one! On a final high note, we went to Hamleys, a wonderful toy store where everyone was in awe of the things that they saw. There was a big character made out of Lego pieces, a remote control car which had 3 pupils trying to use it at the same time, a musical walk on keyboard, and many moving water and soft toys. Even after a busy day of walking, everyone was too excited to sleep on the bus on the way back!

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