We came back to school today, just in time to take part in Fair Trade Fortnight! The RRSA group helped Val lead assemblies for 11-19 and 2-11 phases, where we looked at Fair Trade products and learnt about what Fair Trade means to farmers around the world. We all agreed that we want to support people to have a fair wage for the work that they do. Teacher Helen and RRSA pupils will be running a tuck shop every day during the fortnight, selling only Fair Trade products. Helen, our cook, has committed to only buying Fair Trade orange and apple juice for pupils from now on. She and her team are making puddings using special products - she has even bought some Fair Trade teabags to make some of her famous tealoaf! Pupils will be taking part in a Fair Trade treasure hunt, making muffins and asking their families to collect anything with a Fair Trade label for us to create artwork using them. Some students are investigating what products our local supermarkets sell - we will be naming and shaming, and writing to them if we don’t find lots of Fair Trade items! So far, the only promotion that we have found is that Co-op Fairtrade wine has 20% off during Fair Trade fortnight! We will keep you updated. We hope to raise everyone’s awareness and help to improve the quality of life of people who work really hard, and don’t get paid fairly for it.