As we are always saying, we feel like a family here at Newfield, and today it was the staff’s turn to enjoy their Christmas lunch together. Chair of Governors Paul, SLT members Brenda & Hilary and Head teacher Geoff all waited on the staff hand and foot - they were exhausted at playing hosts by the end of the third sitting! The dining room was decorated, complete with crackers and the mood was set with Christmas music. Helen and her team made a wonderful roast lunch, with all the trimmings and for pudding it was Helen’s signature mincemeat tart - which is absolutely gorgeous. For any staff with room left, there were cheeses and biscuits, fruit and mints. We are very fortunate to have such a large, happy staff - and wonderful cooks - which make occasions like today’s lunches so enjoyable. In the photo you can see catering manager Helen and the SLT serving team! A huge thank you to Helen and her team - and well done Geoff and Paul, you can put your feet back up now!