Our Harvest Assembly took place this morning, with guest speakers and parents attending. There were performances from our 2-11 and 11-19 choirs and each class had created some harvest artwork which decorated the hall. This year we collected tins and packets of food for Blackburn Food bank who help local people who are in need. If you would like to find out more about the food bank, please have a look at their website. We had lots of donations from staff and pupils, thanks to everyone for these - the lady from the food bank was very grateful and said that it would really help them to support people in difficulties. She spoke to the audience about how fortunate we are to have enough food to eat, and in the photograph you can see Rayaan holding her ‘mrs mouse teapot’ which illustrated her tale of plenty. Thanks to teacher Jenny Nelson for coordinating the assembly and thanks to our guests, the parents who attended and our children & staff who all thoroughly enjoyed the event.