End of Year Musical Extravaganza!

We all had a fantastic time today at the Musical Extravaganza watching our pupils showcase their talents! We began the afternoon with everyone signing and singing to the song that made us record breakers. We then had a treat when the Performing Arts group put on a performance of Chicken Little, complete with great costumes and lively music. The pupils were brilliant and recited their lines with perfection! Our Primary Choir sang two songs beautifully for us before the Wheelchair Dance group gave us their performance to ‘Candy’ which they had performed at the Inscape Music Festival at the Lowry. Hassan was then in the Spotlight and wowed us all with his performance of ‘Oh when the Saints’. Not only did Hassan play the melody with chords, he also sang the song to us all too! Our top class TG7 then gave us a fantastic instrumental and vocal performance to ‘Just a Feeling’, with excellent singing from Aaron, Ismail, Fraaz and Maariya. It started off as a slow melodic song before suddenly changing to an upbeat party dance track! Shakif did us proud by doing a solo on the Ipad oscillator! It didn’t end there! The 11- 19 Choir closed the show with their songs before everyone joined in for the finale of ‘Walking on Sunshine’. Well done to all our pupils, who have worked so very hard throughout the year to gain the confidence to put on such an amazing show and thank you to the staff that made it all possible, especially Lois.

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