Today, all of the pupils and staff in keystage 4, together with the Witton pilot link pupils, attended a ceremony hosted by the pupils at Witton to celebrate a great year’s joint working! The pupils had grown flowers to have in vases on tables, created a powerpoint of photographs of activities and baked cakes for refreshements. Senior Leaders from Witton and Newfield attended, as did many parents of pupils from both schools to look at the work and achivements of the pupils. Wonderful friendships have been made over the year and it was a very special occasion - our best year working together so far! All pupils recieved certificates and everyone had a great big smile on their face. Both schools really value this special link which has been ongoing for many years and it is something we hope to continue for a long time. Thanks to Julie Jones and Sue Hall for making this link so successful, and well done to all of the pupils for their hard work and friendship!