Re-Accreditation for IQM Flagship Status

Last year Newfield School became a Flagship School for the Inclusion Quality Mark because of our totally inclusive ethos for all our pupils. On June 19th our assessor Mr John Hill visited us again to see if we had achieved our targets for the year and to decide whether we could keep the flagship status for another 12 months. I’m pleased to tell you that he was very impressed with our progress and awarded it to us again. Mr Hill was particularly impressed with certain aspects of our work and I would like to share these with you:

  • Our links with Witton Park School continue to thrive and develop. Mr Hill accompanied a group there and really enjoyed seeing the Inclusive activities.
  • Switch Assessment. Aimie demonstrated a switch assessment pack to him and he thought that this was an innovative way of assessing switch usage to promote communication and independence.
  • Wellbeing profiles. Mr Hill thought that the profiles gave our PMLD pupils a cross curricular way of receiving necessary therapies and sensory experiences.
  • RRSA. He was particularly impressed with our pupils (but then who wouldn’t be!) He had never experienced pupils in a special school who were able to say what they wanted and how they want things to be. Also, the fact that our more vocal students stand up for the rights of their peers. He felt that they had been liberated!

What a great celebration of a fantastic years work!

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Full copies of Policies and Procedures related to all aspects of Safeguarding, and the Complaints Policy, are available on request from Rachel Kay, Head Teacher and Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Equality Duty

Newfield School complies with the general and specific duties of the Equality Act (2010). In accordance with the duty we publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard to the need to;

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Advance equality of opportunity
  • Foster good relations

These specific duties have been considered in relation to all our policies and procedures in school. Our objectives will be reported on and published as part of the Governance public documents available for inspection under the Freedom of Information Regulations and Data Protection duties and in the school newsletter to parents.

Our Equality Objectives are set, reviewed and published annually in our School Development Plan.

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