RRSA Event - Enough food for everyone IF...

Today, students and staff from the RRSA steering group held an event in support of the UNICEF campaign - ‘Enough Food for Everyone IF…’ Group members organised our three pods in the hall to house sensory learning activities about water, food in rich countries and food in poor countries. There were also activities for each child to plant a bean seed - to help grow food and the UNICEF plate art activity, both of which you can see in the picture. Pupils from our community link school, Avondale attended, as well as children from a local nursery. Mrs Joan Bamber, one of our governors also attended and was very impressed by how well the steering group pupils were running their pods and helping other children to learn. Children and staff reflected on how lucky we are in rich countries, tasting a range of foods, as well as exploring the textures of simpler foods, such as pulses, rice and grains available in poor countries. The IF plate activity gave the children an opportunity to put their own ‘Enough Food For Everyone IF…’ messages to world leaders The art work plates are being displayed in the hall, before being sent to UNICEF who will be handing them in to the UK Government before the Hunger Summit and the G8 to highlight young people’s concerns about global hunger and their wish to see action to make sure everyone has enough to eat. Thank you to everyone for taking part and campaigning to stop world hunger!

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