The 20th November has been an important date for a long time. It has been ‘Universal Children’s Day’ since 1954. But today, was special because it was the 21st anniversary of the UK sigining up to the CRC, which we marked by having a party, attended by all of our staff and pupils, our chair of governors, Paul Lee, and some very young visitors from Our Lady of Perpetual Succour primary school.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child CRC - was ratified by the UN General Assembly in 1989 and in 1991 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland formally agreed to make sure that every child in the UK has all the rights as listed in the convention.
So, we celebrated this special birthday - the coming of age for the CRC in the UK by having a tea party and launching 21 white balloons!!
In celebrating the 21st birthday of the CRC we asked classes to consider what their wish for the world would be and create a piece of artwork to show this - we were so thrilled by the beautiful, thought provoking pieces of work that classes completed and will be displaying these on our RRSA display board.
Thank you to all of the classes for working so hard to remember the challenges that many children around the world face in having their rights met, and for having so much fun celebrating these rights!