Harvest Celebrations

- In Category: Visitors

Harvest Celebrations

On Friday 28th September, we held our harvest assembly. This year, we donated food to a local charity called Nightsafe, which offers help and support to young people who are homeless in the Blackburn area. Pupils and staff brought in lots of tins and packets of food, which were collected by a support worker from the Nightsafe project. He was very grateful for all the food donations and wanted to say thank you to everyone who gave. We were also pleased to welcome Andrew Raynes, the vicar of Christchurch in Blackburn, who gave a short talk about one of the miracles Jesus did and offered up a prayer of thanksgiving. In addition, we sang and signed harvest songs led by the choir and enjoyed a musical interlude from classes 1 and 2, who performed two songs for us. We also decorated the hall with harvest pictures and items, including our very own scarecrow - shown here with our headteacher Geoff and two of our pupils trying to spot the difference! Thanks to everyone who donated food and helped to make the harvest assembly such an enjoyable occasion.

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