Eid Celebrations

- In Category: School Activities

Eid Celebrations

Ramadan and Eid fell during the school holidays this year, so on our return we decided to mark this important occasion. To celebrate Eid Ul-Fitr, which marks the end of a month of fasting, we had several things happening in school. The staff and children planned during the week and then all had a fantastic time on Friday. There was a Henna stall where pupils had lovely Henna designs applied to their hands or arms. Thanks to the professional Henna specialists, Mrs Patel (parent) and Shanaz Sardar (staff), who had a busy time ensuring that everyone was happy with their patterns. We also had a whole school lunch, where the wonderful staff from the kitchen provided a great selection of spicy Asian delicacies which included poppadums, pakoras and samosas. Very tasty! All the tables were lavishly decorated with Islamic art, Henna designs and mosques made by the pupils. A local nasheed artist, Quram Shazad, came in to recite an Islamic nasheed praising the prophet and Allah (God). Nasheeds are heard quite frequently during the month of fasting and are simply poems sung in a musical voice. It was amazing to observe how the whole school went quiet to intently listen to the beautiful recital. Finally, the students listened to some Bollywood and Bhangra music to recreate a lively Asian atmosphere. It was wonderful to see people trying some new dancing moves! The children all took home a bag of sweets as a small Eid gift. Thanks to everyone for making this such a special occasion.

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