Understanding Sensory Needs
Understanding Sensory Needs is aimed at anyone working with people with autism who want to develop their understanding of how sensory processing may affect the people they support and need further advice on practical strategies they can use.
The course will look at each of the individual senses (touch, sight, sound, smell, taste, proprioception and vestibular) and break down how each sense can be affected in different ways. Some people with autism may be over or under sensitive to certain stimuli and this course will help you to understand how to identify behaviours that are caused by sensory differences and then give ideas of equipment and activities which help to support individuals with autism to meet their sensory needs in safe and appropriate ways.
The course will be held at Newfield and there will be opportunities to see some of the resources we use. This course is run over a half day (2 and a half hours) and costs £35 per delegate. Refreshments will be provided.

If you would like more details about training for your setting please contact us to discuss your requirements.