Newfield Autism Training
On this page we have links to a range of courses that are being held at Newfield School. We cover various aspects of supporting learners with autism.
These courses are aimed at giving more detail and information to improve the understanding of staff supporting children and young people.
Click below to find out more information.
All courses cost £35 per delegate.

Creating Structured Environments
Creating Structured environments will cover two key areas; the physical classroom environment and using visuals within the classroom. We will develop key principles of creating autism friendly environments and how visuals are used to support transitions, learning and understanding.

Using Visual Communication
Using Visual Communication will help participants to understand how they can use pictures or symbols to support learners to express themselves. The course will provide staff with an understanding of how to implement and use visual communication strategies with pupils.

Developing Social Skills Through Stories
An introduction to writing visual stories which help to reduce anxiety and prepare children and young people with autism for a range of different social situations, transitions or significant events and changes.

Understanding Sensory Needs
Understanding Sensory Needs will discuss the sensory processing differences people with autism experience and discuss practical adaptations and strategies which can be used to support individuals to manage their individual sensory profiles.

Engagement in Learning
Pupils with autism can at times be difficult to engage in learning activities, especially in group activities. The Engagement in Learning course offers fun and exciting activity ideas which may help pupils to focus and attend to group sessions to help gain their attention and sustain their focus for longer periods of time.

Colourful Semantics
This course in an introduction to colourful semantics. It looks at ways to support teaching and learning in relation to communication, language & literacy using colour coding. The colourful semantics approach helps pupils respond to questions and write structured sentences.